Total Donated
The Chariso Press has so far donated a total of £550 to charity this year, with £150 pounds going to the incredible Mind Charity and £310 to Maggies Centres and £90 already donated to Doctor Without Borders. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all those that have so far been involved in helping me get this project up and running.
I would like to thank artists Graeme Zirk, Adrian Forrow and Robert Ewanchuck for making the process of curating the third release such a joy, and a huge thank you to Siobhan Ogg, Katie Guthrie, Anna Dunn, Jason Kerley, Scott Macleod, David Hamilton, Cameron Fraser the Falcon Ridge crew and my family. Without the support of these amazing people, this project wouldn’t be what it is today.
Thanks to all of you who have shared, followed and bought prints through the Chariso Press so far, here’s to you.
The running total of the donations made so far can be found here at their individual just giving pages Maggie’s Centre – Mind Charity – Doctors Without Borders
Thank you,
Chariso Press